How Would You Survive?
How Would You Survive (1995)(Grolier)[Mac-PC].iso
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208 lines
--òò aTopicMenu
--òò This object represents an entry in the Alabetical Index System
--òò In otherwords we need to create one of these objects per
--òò Letter in the alphabet. This object in turn manages a sub-menu
--òò of entries associated with the Letter. Each sub-menu entry
--òò manages a list of links to locations in the subject screens
--òò of the title.
--òò REV 8 / 4 / 51
property pHilightCast, pSprite , pDefaultCast , pRange┬
, pRefLink , pLeftEntries, pRightEntries , pEndOFLine , pLineSpace
on birth me , startCast , stopCast , theSprite , theDefaultCast┬
, functionCast ,iconCast ,numLeftEntries, newRightEntries
setTopicMenuParameters me , numLeftEntries, newRightEntries
set pLineSpace = 25
set pDefaultCast = theDefaultCast
if (startCast) then
set pHilightCast = startCast
set pHilightCast = pDefaultCast
end if
set pRange = stopCast - startCast + 1
set pSprite = theSprite
set refCountMax = numLeftEntries + newRightEntries
set refCount = 1
set pRefLink = []
set pEndOFLine = FALSE
set refLinkClass = the number of cast "aRefLink"
repeat while (refCount <= refCountMax)
setAt( pRefLink ,refCount, birth (script refLinkClass, iconCast + refCount - 1 ,40┬
,1 ,functionCast))
set refCount = refCount + 1
end repeat
return me
on setTopicMenuParameters me , numLeftEntries, newRightEntries
set pRightEntries = newRightEntries
set pLeftEntries = numLeftEntries
on setTopicMenu me
if (pSprite > 0) then
set the castNum of sprite pSprite = pHilightCast
set the castNum of sprite pSprite = pDefaultCast
end if
on setTopicHiLight me , theOffset
if (pRightEntries and rollover(41)) then
-- right entry processing
set topicOffset = theOffset/pLineSpace
if (topicOffset <= pRange) then
set the castNum of sprite pSprite = pHilightCast + topicOffset - 1 + pLeftEntries
end if
-- left entry processing
set topicOffset = theOffset/pLineSpace
if (topicOffset <= pRange) then
set the castNum of sprite pSprite = pHilightCast + topicOffset - 1
end if
end if
--òò Ref Link handlers
on selectTopicFromMenu me,theOffset
if (theOffset > 62) then
set theOffset = theOffset - 62
set topicOffset = (theOffset/pLineSpace) + 1
--put theOffset , topicOffset
if (pRightEntries and rollover(41)) then
-- right entry processing
if (topicOffset > 0 and topicOffset <= pRightEntries) then
set thisLink = getAt(pRefLink,topicOffset + pLeftEntries)
end if
-- left entry processing
if (topicOffset > 0 and topicOffset <= pLeftEntries) then
set thisLink = getAt(pRefLink,topicOffset)
end if
end if
end if
on clickRefLink me , theOffset , horzPos , vertPos
set pEndOFLine = FALSE
--put vertPos ,horzPos
--set thisLink = getAt(pRefLink,1)
--clickRefLink(thisLink , theOffset)
set thisCast = the castNum of sprite 40
set thisStr = the scriptText of cast thisCast
set thisLength = length(thisStr)
set strCount = 3
set commaPos1 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , strCount , thisLength)
set commaPos2 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , commaPos1 + 1, thisLength)
set commaPos3 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , commaPos2 + 1, thisLength)
set commaPos4 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , commaPos3 + 1, thisLength)
if (getRecPos (me, thisStr , 3 , commaPos1 ) = 0) then
-- this is simple (one ref) reference
--beep 1
--put 1
do getFunctionStr (me, thisStr , commaPos4 , thisLength )
-- test if click is inside of rect
set pEndOFLine = FALSE
set startStr = 2
set beepCount = 1
repeat while (pEndOFLine = FALSE)
--testClick me,commaPos1,commaPos2,commaPos3,commaPos4 , ┬
thisStr , thisLength , horzPos , vertPos
if (testClick(me,startStr,commaPos1,commaPos2,commaPos3 ┬
, thisStr , thisLength, horzPos , vertPos)) then
-- get function
set pEndOFLine = TRUE
--beep beepCount
--put beepCount
do getFunctionStr (me, thisStr , commaPos4 , thisLength )
-- move past function
set semiColPos = getSemiCol (me, thisStr , commaPos4 + 1 , thisLength)
set commaPos1 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , semiColPos + 1 , thisLength)
set commaPos2 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , commaPos1 + 1, thisLength)
set commaPos3 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , commaPos2 + 1, thisLength)
set commaPos4 = getCommaPos (me, thisStr , commaPos3 + 1, thisLength)
set startStr = semiColPos
set beepCount = beepCount + 1
end if
end repeat
end if
on clearRefLinkIcon me
if (not(pRefLink = []) ) then
set thisLink = getAt(pRefLink,1)
end if
on getSemiCol me , thisStr , strCount , thisLength
--òò This handler returns the position of the next comma, or the end of the string
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
if (thisChar = "%") then set pEndOFLine = TRUE
repeat while (not(thisChar = ";") and strCount < thisLength)
set strCount = strCount + 1
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
if (thisChar = "%") then set pEndOFLine = TRUE
end repeat
return strCount
on getCommaPos me , thisStr , strCount , thisLength
--òò This handler returns the position of the next comma, or the end of the string
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
if (thisChar = "%") then set pEndOFLine = TRUE
repeat while (not(thisChar = ",") and strCount < thisLength)
set strCount = strCount + 1
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
if (thisChar = "%") then set pEndOFLine = TRUE
end repeat
return strCount
on getRecPos me , thisStr , strCount , thisLength
set intCount = strCount
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
repeat while (not(thisChar = ",") and strCount < thisLength)
set strCount = strCount + 1
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
end repeat
return (chars (thisStr , intCount , strCount - 1))
on getFunctionStr me, thisStr , strCount , thisLength
set intCount = strCount
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
repeat while (not(thisChar = ";") and strCount < thisLength)
set strCount = strCount + 1
set thisChar = chars(thisStr,strCount,strCount)
end repeat
return (chars (thisStr , intCount + 1 , strCount - 1))
on testClick me,commaPos1,commaPos2,commaPos3,commaPos4 , thisStr , thisLength , horzPos , vertPos
set topPos = getRecPos (me , thisStr , commaPos1 + 1 , thisLength)
set leftPos = getRecPos (me , thisStr , commaPos2 + 1 , thisLength)
set bottomPos = getRecPos (me , thisStr , commaPos3 + 1 , thisLength)
set rightPos = getRecPos (me , thisStr , commaPos4 + 1 , thisLength)
-- put "T"&&topPos
-- put "L"&&leftPos
-- put "B"&&bottomPos
-- put "R"&&rightPos&&RETURN
if ((topPos < vertPos) and (bottomPos > vertPos) and ┬
(leftPos < horzPos) and (rightPos > horzPos)) then
-- we have a click within this rect
return TRUE
return FALSE
end if
on reset me
--put pSprite, pDefaultCast
set the castNum of sprite pSprite = pDefaultCast
clearRefLinkIcon me